Important note for teachers These are sample exercises only. The teacher is free to vary the work and set the exercises as she/he thinks best.
Please do not use music or syllabus work from other examination bodies.
Preliminary One (Sample Exercises)
Students run in onto line and greet the examiner. The examiner will ask for their report forms.
In a circle
Fairy Runs: Little runs in a circle, following a leader.
Feet and hands
Magic Toes: Sitting on floor, legs straight, hands by sides.
(1&2) Magic toes (point feet).
(3&4) Messy toes (flex feet) x 4 times in total.
(1-8) Mix up a magic spell (Mime mixing a potion).
(9-16) And make some magic toes! (Cast spell-stretch knees and feet) Hold.
Knee bends
Windows: Feet in 1st, hold skirts.
(1-2) Open close (demi-plié 1st & recover)
(3-4) Repeat (5-6) Repeat
(7-8) Wait (‘Smile for a picture’). Repeat counts (1-6), then make your own position to finish.
Little jumps
Magic Bouncing Ball: Feet together, bend knees to prepare.
(1-8) Mime bouncing a ball on the ground using R hand.
(9-16) 8 parallel jumps with hands clasped. Repeat using L hand first.
Verse: I bought a lovely bouncy ball and bounced it on the gro –und!
Oh my goodness goodness gracious, now it’s bouncing me instead!
Nursery rhyme/Character or an animal. (Individually or as a group.) No music.
Short story dance with no set steps – e.g. The Lost Puppy. Picnic with Teddy. The Mouse and the Cheese. At the Seaside.
Run back into a line. Simple curtsey or bow. Run out.
Preliminary Two (Sample Exercises)
Students run in onto line and greet the examiner who will ask for their report forms.
In a circle
Running or skipping in a circle following a leader.
From the corner
Skipping from the corner. Seen on R and L.
Feet and hands
Rabbits and Rainbows: Sitting, legs out straight, hands on floor by sides.
(1-2) Pointy noses (feet point).
(3-4) Rabbits’ ears (feet flex) Repeat (5-8) Repeat (1-4) i.e. 3 times in total.
(5-8) Rabbit runs away (Flop knees on floor then cross legs in.)
(1-4) Rainbow to the right (R arm circles to R) (5-8) Repeat on L.
(9-16) Giant rainbow (circle both arms up and over.)
Happy happy day. (Stretch legs and feet out to finish.)
Plié & Ports de Bras
Feet in 1st. Hold skirt.
(1-8) 4x demi-pliés & recover.
(1-4) Release skirt and take arms from 1st to 2nd.
(5-8) Take arms back down to hold skirt. Then repeat the whole exercise, placing arms in free position on the end.
Feet in 1st. Hands on waist.
(1-6) 6 sautes in 1st (7-8) 2 claps. Repeat.
Short prepared group mime – Teacher’s choice of subject. No music.
Galop in pairs
From the corner. Seen on R and L.
Short group dance. Could include skips, jumps, galops, mime. (Props optional)
Run back into a line. Simple curtsey or bow. Run out.
Junior One (Sample Exercises)
The children run into a line and greet the examiner who will ask for their report forms.
From the Corner
Skip Change of Step, one at a time from the corner, shown on both sides.
Pliés and Tendu
Feet 1st. Hands on waist.
(1-2) Battement tendu devant with R & close into 1st. (3-4) Repeat on L.
(5-6) (7-8) 2 x demi-pliés in 1st.
(1-4) Repeat the battement tendus devant.
(5-8) Close 1st and hold skirt. Rise and little turn sur place holding skirt. Repeat all – with tendus to 2nd.
Port de Bras
Feet 1st. Bras bas.
(1-2) Little wave from Bras Bas to Demi 2nd with R arm. (3-4) Repeat on L.
(5-6) Take arms to 1st then 2nd position. (7-8) Lower arms to Bras Bas.
(1-4) Repeat first little waves. (5-6) Arms through 1st to 5th position.
(7-8) Bring arms to open 5th and hold to finish.
Petit Allegro
Hands on waist. Feet 1st
(1-4) Échappé to 2nd & back to 1st x 2 times.
(5-6-7-8) 4 sautés in 1st. (1-7) Repeat all except only 3 sautés at end.
(8) Stretch & hold.
Teachers own arrangement. Could include: skip change of step, galops, spring points/heels, sautés and échappés. Mime. Use of props optional.
Curtsey or Bow
Run back into line. Simple curtsey or bow. Run out.
Junior Two (Sample Exercises)
The children run into a line and greet the examiner who will ask for their report forms.
From the Corner
Galop & skip combination from the corner. E.g. 4 galops on R, 4 galops on L, 8 skips. Arms in 3rd oppostion. Shown on both sides
Pliés and Tendu
Feet 3rd. Hands on waist.
(1-2) Demi-plié & recover. (3-4) Repeat.
(5-6) Degagé to 2nd with R and lower in 2nd.
(7-8) Transfer weight, stretching L foot, and close into 3rd with L front. Repeat on L. Repeat all with a demi-plié in 2nd on the transfer.
Ports de Bras
R front, croisé. Bras bas.
(1-2) Take arms through 1st to attitude (back arm up).
(3-4) Sweep arms over to change sides.
(5) Open top arm to 2nd position. Hold (6) (7-8) Lower arms to Bras Bas.
(1-2) Take arms to 1st, then (3-4) Into low 3rd arabesque.
(5) Rise (6-8) Turn with little steps towards back foot to other side. Repeat.
Foot Warm Up
Feet parallel. 4 jumps parallel & stretch. 4 springs RLRL. ‘Couru’ into 1st. Repeat in 1st with Petits Jetés. Repeat.
Petit Allegro
Feet in 3rd. Bras bas.En face.
(1-4) 3 changements, holding demi-plié on (4) Repeat (5-8).
(1-4) Repeat for third time.
(5-6-7-8) x 2 échappés to 2nd, changing feet. Repeat on L.
Waltz & Run
(3/4 time) Croisé, R cou de pied derrière. 4 balances travelling backwards on diagonal, run to another starting place, prepare. Repeat.
Teachers own arrangement. Could include: Skip change of step, galops in 3rd, petits jetés, balances, sautés and échappés, pose into a positon, attitudes and arabesques à terre.
Curtsey or Bow
Run back into line. Simple curtsey or bow. Run out.
Junior Three (Sample Exercises)
Legs to begin to work towards a crossed 3rd if possible.
The children run into a line and greet the examiner who will ask for their reports.
Warm Up
In a group formation, eg: en diagonale or circle.
4 galops, with use of arms 3rd opposition. Repeat. 4 polkas turning.
Centre Practice
Feet 3rd.
(1-4) 2 demi-pliés, with port de bras.
(5-8) Dégagé to 2nd, lower into demi-plié 2nd and transfer, close 3rd.
Repeat other side. This could all be repeated, or substitute pliés for tendus devant.
Port de Bras and Adage
R foot, croisé
(1-4) Port de bras to 5th and lower.
(5-8) Chassé en avant to attitude and close 5th. Arms lower to bras bas.
(1-2) Chassé passé en avant to 1st arabesque
(3-4) Lift en l’air and lower,or hold à terre
(5) Fondu in cou-de-pied
(6-8) Couru 1⁄4 or 3⁄4 turn to croisé.
Repeat other side.
Demi pointe/preparation R foot devant for pirouettes
(1-4) 1 relevé in 5th, 1 échappé relevé 2nd to change feet.
(5-8) Repeat.
(1) Relevé 5th (2)hold
(3-6) Couru and turn, Using pirouette head.
(7-8) Lower and changement.
Repeat other side.
Arms on waist or simple port de bras.
Allegro warm up
1st position.
4 sautés 1st, 4 sautés 2nd, 4 changements, relevé 5th.
Feet 3rd
(1)Glissade derrière
(2) Hold demi-plié
(3-4) Repeat
(5-6) 1 or 2 pas de chats.
(7) Changement
(8) Stretch bend.
En avant, en arrière.
Posé temps levés and run.
Repeat all.
Could be performed in a group formation.
A group dance of not more than 1 minute 30 seconds showing
pattern, movement and the use of any of the above steps, plus steps
from previous levels.
Curtsey or Bow
Simple curtsey or bow and say thank you.
Senior One (Sample Exercises)
Students run in onto the line and greet the examiner who will ask for their report forms.
Centre practice
R foot front, croisé.
(1-4) 2 x Tendus devant in croisé alignment. Arms attitude opp.
(5-8) Repeat in en face alignment.
(1-4) Repeat in ouverte.
(5-6) 1 x Tendu à la seconde in écarté alignment. Close derrière.
(7-8) Arms to bras bas and replace. Repeat.
Port de Bras
R foot front, croisé.
(1-2) Breathe R arm to demi 2nd, then L.
(3-4) Demi-plié chassé into attitude in à terre.
(5) Close back foot & both arms, (6) Extend R foot devant, taking arms to 5th.
(7-8) Fondu on supporting leg as arms travel to open 5th.
(1-2) Stay on fondu and take R then L arm down to Demi 2nd.
(3-4) Transfer weight onto front foot, through 4th position, arms 2nd.
(5-8) Run in a little circle to the R, ready for other side. (Repeat all).
R foot front, en face.
(1-3) Développé devant with R. Close (4). Repeat (5-8).
(1) Demi-plié en face taking arms 1st (2) Chassé to small 2nd. Straighten and turn into 1st arabesque (3,4). (i.e. fouetté of adage).
(5-6) Raise L leg. Lower and Close it at the back (&7), small dégagé of that leg to close it front, turning en face at same time with slight rise. (&8) Repeat.
R foot front, en face.
(1-8) Dégagé + demi-plié + relevé preparation, using arms. Repeat other leg.
(1-4) 1x preparation & pirouette.
(5-8) Straighten legs, arms simple p de b. Repeat starting with L.
Then repeat with single, single, single, R & L. (*Students can choose to repeat first part rather than all turning.)
Warm up
R front, en face.
4 x changements then 2 x échappés changing feet.
3 x changements.
Relevé 5th Demi-plié to fin.
Repeat (x4).
Allegro #1
R front, en face.
Glissade devant with R(&1). Stretch Bend(&2).
Repeat (&3&4).
Échappé to 2nd and hold (5).
Pas de bourre under, using L (&6).
Stretch – Bend (7,8).
Repeat on L.
Allegro #2
R front, croisé (3/4).
2 x Pas de basques sautés, croisé to croisé.
3 x Jetés over en face (1st jeté onto front foot).
Assemblé over (finishing croisé).
Repeat on L.
Group dance of no more than 2 mins. Could show: Ports de bras, balances, glissades, travelling steps, assemblés, variation of speed and level, opportunity for each dancer to be seen. Pupils could have input into choreography – e.g. final position.
Simple curtsey or bow and say goodbye.
Senior Two (Sample Exercises)
Students run in onto the line and curtsey, then greet examiner who will ask for their report forms.
Centre practice
R foot front, croisé.
(1-2) Assemble soutenu dedans to a rise (3). Lower (4).
(5-8) Repeat.
(1-8)Repeat, adding full turn to finish in croise R front.
(1-2) 1 x Dégagé devant, arms attitude. Close.
(3-4) 1 x Dégagé derrière to 2nd arabesque. Close.
(5) Extend front foot to 2nd en fondu.
(&6) Pose R à cote onto a rise & close L in 5th in front.
(7-8) Come down into croisé other side with a demi-plié. Stretch. Repeat.
Port de bras
Croise, R foot at back, cou de pied.
(1-2) 2 walks forward (R,L).
(3-4) Chassé passé into 1st arabesque à terre.
(5, 6) Change arm line into 2nd arabesque.
(7-8) Lift leg into low 2nd arabesque, lower, retaining arm line.
(1-2) Sweep working leg through devant , arms moving through 1st to attitude in opposition.
(3-4) Lift leg into attitude devant.
(&5) Rise into 5th, closing leg into 5th on a rise.
(6-8) Détourné towards back foot. Lower in croisé other side. Repeat.
Croisé, R front.
(1-3) Développé devant, arms attitude in opposition.
(4) Close 5th devant. Lowering arms to bras bas.
(5-7) Développé passé derrière (same leg), arms 1st arabesque.
(8) Lower to point tendu en fondu.
(1-2) Port de bras through 2nd to 2nd arabesque.
(3-4) Port de bras through 1st to 3rd arabesque.
(&a5) Pas de bourée under to 4th en fondu en croisé (arms 2nd to 3rd ).
(6-8) Pirouette en dedans. Close 5th croisé. Repeat other side.
Pirouette 1
R foot front, en face. (3/4)
(1-2) Rélevé 5th, arms 3rd (3) demi-plié (4-5) pirouette en dehors (6) close 5th derrière.
(1-3) Échappe Rélevé to 2nd & demi-plié (changing feet).(4-6) Repeat échappé relevé & plié.
Repeat all on other side. (4 times in total)
Pirouette 2
R foot front, croisé.
(1) Dégagé devant, (2) Transfer weight to fondu on front leg.
(3) Relevé passé devant with ¼ turn (&4) Close 5th devant in demi-plié croisé & stretch.
(5-8) Repeat to other side.
(1-4) Repeat with 1¼ turns (5-6) Stretch (7-8) Hold. Repeat other side.
Warm up
R front, en face.
4 x changements then 2 x échappés changing feet.
3 x changements.
Releve 5th Demi-plié to fin.
Repeat (x4)
Allegro #1
R derrière, en face. (4/4).
Glissade derrière. Jeté over (arms 3rd).
Pas de Bourre under.
Assemblé over.
Repeat on other side.
Allegro #2
R front, en face.
Sissone ordinaire devant, arms 3rd opp.
Petit assemblé devant. Repeat derrière.
Pas de basque sauté en avant into croisé.
2 x Sissones fermées en avant in croisé alignment (arms 1st arabesque), closing the last one en face.
Repeat on other side.
Group dance of no more than 2 mins. Could show: Ports de bras, assemblés soutenus à terre, rotation à terre, pirouette en dehors or dedans, balances, glissades over and under, sissonnes ordinaries, travelling steps, assemblés, variation of speed and level, opportunity for each dancer to be seen. Pupils could have input into choreography – e.g. final position.
Reverence. Run out.
Senior Three (Sample Exercises)
Important note for teachers: These are sample exercises only – the teacher is free to vary the work and set the exercises as she/he thinks best.
Students run into the room and curtsey, then greet the Examiner. The examiner will ask for their report forms.
Centre practice
En face or croisé. 5th position. R foot front. Intro: Degagé to 2nd and Port de Bras to 2nd.
(1-2) Battements fondu devant à terre. Arms 1st.
(3-4) Battement fondu 2nd à terre. Arms 2nd.
(5-8) 2 rond de jambe à terre en dehors.
(1-2) Demi plié 2nd, transfer onto R leg, dégagé L.
(3-4) Demi plié 2nd, transfer onto L leg, dégagé R.
(5-6) Pas de bourrée over with the R foot. Arms bras bas.
(7-8) Dégagé L foot 2nd. Arms port de bras to 2nd.
Port de bras
Croisé. 5th position, R foot front. Into: Breathe arms.
(1-2) Chassé avant to attitude ordinaire à terre.
(3-4) Transfer of weight en arrière. Port de bras R arm bras bas up to 5th.
(5-6) Transfer of weight en avant to 2nd arabesque.
(7-8) Fondu, pas de bourrée under to croisé.
(1-2) Chassé passé en avant to 1st arabesque (could be en l’air)
(3-4) Sweep arms across to 2nd arabesque en fondu à terre.
(5-6) Coupé chassé pas de bourrée under. (or just pas de bourrée)
(7-8) Breathe arms.
REPEAT ALL OTHER SIDE. Individual ending.
Croisé. 5th position, R foot front. Intro: Breathe arms.
(1-4) Développé devant. Arms attitude.
(5-6) Chassé 2nd en face. Arms: bras bas, 1st, 2nd.
(7-8) Fouetté of adage à terre to 1st arabesque.
(1-2) Lift en l’air.
(3-4) Lower to 3rd arabesque en fondu.
(5-8) Pas de bourrée under. Rise 5th, Arms 5th and lower.
En dehors. En face. R foot front.
(1-4) Simple preparation and turn en dehors from 5th position.
(5-8) Repeat other side.
(1-4) Chassé á la 2nd pas de bourrée. Relevé 5th. Arms 5th.
(5-8) Repeat chassé section other side.
En dedans. Croisé. R foot front.
(1-4) Degagé devant and place for en dedans pirouette to croisé.
(5-8) Repeat other side.
(1-4) 4 balancés de côté (L,R,L,R)
(5-8) Posé (L) temps levé 1st arabesque and run around to either commence 2nd side or allow 2nd group to dance.
Allegro warm up
En face. R foot front.
(1-4) 4 sautés in 1st.
(5-8) 4 sautés in 2nd.
(1-4) 4 changements.
(5-8) 2 échappés sautés.
Allegro #1
En face. R foot derrière.
(1-2) Glissade over and under
(3-4) Rélevé 5th. Arms 5th.
(5-8) 2 échappés sautés battus with or without change of feet.
(1-2) Sissonne over, stretch the legs and demi-plié.
(3) Sissonne over,
(4) Sissonne ouverte en avant.
(5-6) Pas de bourrée under.
(7-8) Wait.
Allegro #2
Croisé R foot front. Intro: Chassé en avant.
(1-2) Coupé chassé pas de bourrée.
(3-4) Repeat.
(5-8) Run to upstage L and chassé en avant with L leg.
(1-2) Pose temps levé 1st arabesque, pose temps levé R leg pirouette position derrière
(3-4) 2 runs into grand jeté en avant
(5-6) Coupé chassé pas de bourrée
(7-8) Pas de chat, relevé to finish.
This allegro could be patterned.
Group dance of no more than 2 mins. Could show: Port de bras, any of the allegro steps from this level or below. Variation of speed and level, opportunity for each dancer to be seen. Students could have an input into the choreography.
Reverence with music.
Graduate Award (Sample Exercises)
Students run into the room and curtsey, then greet the examiner who will will ask for their report forms.
Centre practice
Croisé. 5th position. R foot front. Intro: Arms attitude opposition.
(1-4) 2 Battements tendus devant.
(5-6) 1 Grand Battement devant.
(7-8) Port de bras to 2nd arabesque.
(1-6) Repeat all derriere.
(7-8) Arms to 2nd and turn to face en face.
(1-8) 4 Battements tendus to 2nd, closing derrière (R,L,R,L).
(1-2) Battement tendu to 2nd with R, closing derrière.
(3-4) Dégagé derrière and plié 4th position. Arms 3rd.
(5-6) Single pirouette en dehors. Finish croisé.
(7-8) Arms to attitude.
Port de bras
Croisé. 5th position, L foot front. Intro: Chassé en avant.
(1-2) 2 walks forward. Arms port de bras to 2nd.
(3-4) Chassé passé en avant to attitude ordinaire à terre.
(5-8) Circular port de bras with a transfer of weight (finish dégagé devant, arms attitude in opposition).
(1-2) Transfer en avant to 1st arabesque en fondu.
(3-4) Sweep across with R, (R arm to arabesque) step L to 2nd and place R 4th derrière in preparation for
(5-6) En dedans pirouette, finish croisé.
(7-8) Chassé en avant.
Croisé. 5th position, L foot front. Intro: Breathe arms.
(1-3) Développé passé devant (i.e. R leg développé) – stay en l’air. Arms attitude. (either arm).
(4) Rise.
(5-6) Tombé pas de bourrée under.
(7-8) Chassé passé to 1st arabesque en l’air.
(1-2) Arms change to 2nd arabesque or 3rd arabesque.
(3) Fondu.
(4) Pas de bourrée under to 4th demi-plié in preparation for
(5-6) Single pirouette en dehors.
(7-8) Detourné or chassé pas de bourrée under to croisé.
Croisé 5th position. R foot front. Intro: Chassé en avant.
(1-2) Coupé chassé pas de bourréé under to 5th.
(3-4) Relevé 5th. Arms 5th.
(5-6) Degagé derrière to 4th demi-plié in preparation for
(7-8) Pirouette en dehors, finish 5th or 4th en fondu.
(1-8) Repeat other side.
(1-2) Chassé en avant and place 4th en fondu in preparation for
(3-4) En dedans pirouette.
(5-8) Repeat chassé and en dedans pirouette.
(1-2) Degagé devant in preparation for
(3-6) 4 posé turns en dedans.
(7-8) Chassé en avant to finish. Any arm line.
Double pirouettes can be shown for any of the above.
Allegro warm up
Croisé 5th position. R foot front.
(1-8) Échappé sauté en croix, croisé to croisé.
(1-4) 4 changements, 1/4 turn on each one.
(5-6) Échappé sauté to 2nd, sauté 2nd.
(7-8) Pas de bourrée under with L foot to finish croisé.
Allegro #1
En face. R foot front.
(1-4) 2 échappés sautés battus to 2nd, with or without change of feet.
(5-8) Glissade over, glissade under, jeté derrière, pas de bourrée under.
(1-4) Sissonne ouverte en avant, pas de bourrée under. Repeat.
(5-6) Relevé 5th.
(7-8) Changement battu .
Allegro #2
Croisé R foot front. Intro: Chassé en avant.
(1-2) Full contretemps.
(3-4) Passing glissade (2 steps) grand jeté en avant.
(5-6) 3 steps grand jeté en avant.
(7-8) Coupé chassé pas de bourrée under.
(1-2) Relevé 5th. Port de bras to 5th.
(3-8) Run to prepare for 2nd side.
This allegro could be patterned.
Group dance of no more than 2 mins. Could show: Port de bras, any of the allegro steps from this level or below. Variation of speed and level, opportunity for each dancer to be seen. Students could have an input into the choreography.
Reverence with music.